Sunday, January 22, 2017

Roe v. Wade

Thanks to Deanna Burns for posting this
and to Cindy Wright Goldberg for commenting:
"They don't care --
they probably think they should die if they have one."

To go along with Deanna's post and Cindy's response, I coincidentally came across a surprisingly generous comment in an article about rural America: "Do you know what does change the beliefs of fundamentalists, sometimes? When something becomes personal. Many fundamentalists have changed their minds about the LGBT community once their loved ones started coming out of the closet. Many have not. But, those that have did so because their personal experience came in direct conflict with what they believe."

However, when it comes to abortion, I'm not sure if this approach works or if, indeed, any compassion is called forth. As Cindy points out, I'm afraid it just makes them hate you more. So many people seem to base their politics on the firm belief that they will never make a mistake. Wow -- where do they get that certainty? As for me, I'll go ahead and take the life filled with uncertainty and contradiction since that's the one I was granted -- and I will count my blessings!

My friend Rebecca Saulsbury Bravard and I heard Anita Hill speak on similar issues / attitudes when she visited Purdue back in 1992. Hill said, "Before you judge and make rules, consider if you would like these rules and judgments applied -- not just to your enemies or to the general population but -- to your loved ones, because surely among your loved ones are some who are in the same boat (whatever that might be -- being LGBT, needing an abortion, getting divorced, you name it)."

Sadly, even at the time, the thought crossed my mind that, no, in fact I knew plenty of people who would still be prepared to -- in fact feel entitled to -- judge their loved ones very harshly. Sad but true.

And similarly, for those still insisting that Hillary Clinton encourages delayed, discretionary abortions:

Please. Hillary Clinton did not say this, and this is not what she advocates. She wants safe medical care for everyone, including those with extremely delicate pregnancies that cannot be carried to term. Not everyone is blessed with a healthy pregnancy. Distressed parents whose babies are severely ill with rare complications and life - threatening conditions need our compassion, not condemnation.

Once again, as Anita Hill so kindly suggested, and on today's 44th anniversary of the Supreme Court's 1973 Roe v. Wade abortion decision -- think of your loved ones and forbear.



    What this author says of racism is also true of the fundamentalist approach to sexism. Reproduction is complicated and painful for women because Eve "sinned" long ago, so anything that might level the playing field and alleviate the double standards of sex and gender is going against the word of god (male, of course). Leave things as god decreed and let women suffer; they deserve it; they brought it on themselves.

