Thursday, March 23, 2023

Hue, Value, Intensity

Molton Silver
photo by Jay Beets
"The sun was sinking, a red ball which threw a copper glow over the pine - covered ridge of mountains, and edged that inky, ominous cloud with molten silver."

~ Willa Cather ~
Death Comes For the Archbishop, 119
Dazzling, Lambent
photo by Jay Beets
The sea is not always blue. . . . In the evening a much more dazzling color may emerge. A wave that feels the bottom, crests and topples will release a phosphorescent surf of pale green or red hue. This glowing, advancing surf can be stunning, like lambent lightning across the sky or a rainbow on the horizon.”
~ Wesley Marx ~
What we learned in art class:
Hue, Value, Intensity

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