"There was much to remember about that time, and much to tell, but the moon in its nightly travels would dwindle, disappear, and fatten again before their stories were entirely told. There was too much to do, too little time for storytelling" (473).
by Trenton Lee Stewart
Illustrations by Mildred Lyon Hetherington
from A Day In School
by Fannie L. Michaels, 1938
Mimi was sooo proud to be on yr blog! Says she's a movie star now. Says 'O Hai!' to BFF Beau or Bobo as she likes to nick name everything. Love and am amazed at your blog. Yr writing is so very, very good. Wouldn't it be nice if our mother's thought so too? My mother last week asked me why I troubled to put so many stitches in a sweater, why so much trouble?