Both Peg and Jan shared these photos with accompanying comments about remembering this attitude more often.
Peg: "I wish I had more of that young attitude in my adult life!"
Jan: There's something to be said about girls and their young confidence. It helps me to look at these photos and to pull the energy from them. My adult self is not near so self-assured and could use a lesson from these young things."
the song of the warrior woman."
~ Maxine Hong Kingston ~
from The Woman Warrior:
Memoirs of a Girlhood Among Ghosts, 20
"You were once wild here.
Don't let them tame you."
~ Isadora Duncan ~
from Isadora Speaks:
Uncollected Writings and Speeches of Isadora Duncan, 138
Thanks for including my photo in the same breath as Maxine Hong Kingston's powerful quotation--"the chant that was once mine!" Time to reclaim it, yes?