Sunday, June 7, 2015

Live Without Thought of Dying

For my sister and brother - in - law, Peg & Ron
and for my friends Pat & Alan

Beautifully Camouflaged Duck
Live Without Thought of Dying

We work so hard to fly
and no matter what heights we reach
our wings get folded near a candle,
at the end,

for nothing can enter God but Himself.
Our souls are some glorious substance of the divine
that no sentry wants to stop.

Live without thought of dying,
for dying is not a truth.

We have swayed on the sky's limb together,
many years there the same leaves grow.

But then they get that look in their eyes
and bid farewell to what they disdained or cherished.

This life He gave the shell, the daily struggles we know,
sit quiet for a minute, dear, feel the wind,
let Light touch you.

Live without thought of dying,
for dying is not a truth.

~ St. Catherine of Siena, 1347 - 1380

A Flash of Goldfish?
Rushing past in the twinkling of an eye!

All photos taken
at the Sheraton Hotel, Palo Alto, California

1 comment:

  1. "The wings we have are so fragile
    they can break from just
    one word, or
    a glance void
    of love."

    ~ St. Catherine of Siena
    from "The Hymns of the Earth"
