"Do any human beings ever realize life while they live it? -- every, every minute?" Question asked by Emily, in OUR TOWN "to find a value above all price for the smallest events in our daily life" ~Thornton Wilder
Traveling at night,
the headlights were bright
And we'd been up many an hour
And all through my brain
Came the refrain
Of home and it's warming fire
And Home
Sings me of sweet things
My life there has it's own wings
To fly over the mountains
Though I'm standing still
The people I've seen
They come in between
The cities of tiring life
The trains come and go,
But inside you know
The struggle will soon be a fight
And Home
Sings me of sweet things
My life there has it's own wings
To fly over the mountains
Though I'm standing still
Traveling at night,
the headlights were bright
But soon the sun came through the trees
Around the next bend
The flowers will send
The sweet scent of home in the breeze
And Home
Sings me of sweet things
My life there has it's own wings
To fly over the mountains
Though I'm standing still
Wishing everyone a healthy
summer of reading & singing,
of curious road trips & happy times at home!
Quotidian Posts will resume in the fall,
on Sam's Birthday ~ September 7th!
On the wall above my head you can see
my twin brother Bruce & me in 1958, on our 1st birthday
-- the same age as Baby Ben in his Purdue Pete Suit!
I had fun with the facebook challenge posted by my friends -- Milly, Jackie, andCandy -- to place pictures of you and your first child side by side and see if people think you look alike. I know that Ben has always been Gerry's mini - me, but sometimes we manage to look alike!
93 million miles from the sun
People get ready, get ready
'Cause here it comes, it's a light
A beautiful light, over the horizon into our eyes
Oh, my, my how beautiful
Oh, my beautiful mother
She told me, son in life you're gonna go far
If you do it right you'll love where you are
Just know
Wherever you go
You can always come home
240 thousand miles from the moon
We've come a long way to belong here
To share this view of the night, a glorious night
Over the horizon is another bright sky
Oh, my, my, how beautiful
Oh, my irrefutable father
He told me, son sometimes it may seem dark
But the absence of the light is a necessary part
Just know
You're never alone
You can always come back home
Home, home
You can always come back
Every road is a slippery slope
There is always a hand that you can hold on to
Looking deeper through the telescope
You can see that your home's inside of you
Just know
That wherever you go
No, you're never alone
You will always get back home