Saturday, February 25, 2012

Favorite Hats

"I tie my Hat — I crease my Shawl—
Life's little duties do — precisely —
As the very least
Were infinite — to me —"

I'm pretty sure that — Emily Dickinson
is saying something here about the — Quotidian

February 2012

My mom crocheted this little turquoise blue hat for me 40 years ago! Remember when we all wore crocheted sweater vests? My grandmother made a bunch for my sisters and me, complete with pom - poms on the tie - strings. And then Mom made us many more, with hats and scarves to match. I have saved them all. Now if only I knew a way to join them into an afghan, it would be incredibly spacious, colorful, and snuggly!

Jumping to the present, I bought the above sweater recently from Coldwater Creek and suddenly realized that somewhere in the depths of my hats ~ scarves ~ gloves basket, I had precisely the right hat to go along with the bright crocheted motif of my new sweater.

So, I suggest that you follow my advice and do not go by that old rule that you should give away anything that may have been lurking unworn for a year or more in your clothes closet! In fact, I say, feel free to save for decades! You just never know when a perfect match might present itself!

Sam donned the turquoise hat for added warmth
a few snow storms ago (2007)
Another old favorite:
Sam in the Joni Hat, February 2007
The fluffy white Joni Hat was a Christmas present to me from my dear friend Joni, back in 1974, when we were Seniors in High School. Unlike the turquoise hat, this old classic has been in perpetual use, easily claiming the status of longest - running fully functioning item in my wardrobe!Christmas 2009

Though certainly I have worn it consistently winter after winter, I don't seem to have any pictures of myself in the Joni Hat during the 1970s or '80s, but here I am with little Ben, in 1992. Of course, it would be much cuter if Ben was the one wearing the Joni Hat; but he seems to have picked out another favorite!
Even Gerry has been known to wear the Joni Hat upon occasion!

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