Monday, July 15, 2024

Summer Break

Red Bird Bike Rack

May the Summer Fun Continue
through July & August!

I'll be taking a break from Quotidian Posts
until after Labor Day.

However . . .

Book Blogs: "Professor Walton"


Fortnightlies: "Cultural List - eracy"

will be posted as usual!
My favorite local bike rack
@St. Mark's ~ Charlottesville, VA

Sunday, July 14, 2024

Bastille Day Dress

Electrifying Fashion Design by Coco Chanel
Stunning Sticker Embellishments by Victoria Amador
Red Grosgrain Silk Chiffon Dress
Summer 1932 ~ Paris
by Gabrielle Chanel (1883 - 1971)
And on the other nights, did she dress up in flaming red gowns and dance the night away, carefree, silly, wild? No. She did laundry and mending, and went to bed early with an orange and a thick book with lots of close print.
from The Daughter of the Moon
by Gregory Maguire (b 1954)

Wishing you a summer of lovely
beach days & red bathing costumes!
María Petrona Viera Garino (1895 – 1960)

Additionally . . .

this old favorite from the 80s:
Lady in Red


Kate Bush ~ Wuthering Heights Day
(Red Dress Version!)

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Cultivate Your Garden

Land That We Love:
Fourth of July Harvest

~ Voltaire's Garden ~
"I also know," said Candide, "that we must cultivate our garden."

"You are right," said Pangloss, "for when man was put in the Garden of Eden, he was put there ut operaretur eum, to work; which proves that man was not born to rest."

"Let us work without reasoning," said Martin, "it is the only way to make life endurable."

All the little society entered into this laudable plan; each one began to exercise his talents. The little piece of land produced much. True, Cunégonde was very ugly; but she became and excellent pastry cook; Paquette embroidered; the old woman took care of the linen. No one, not even Friar Giroflée, failed to perform some service; he was a very good carpenter, and even became an honorable man.

Pangloss sometimes said to Candide:

"All events are linked together in the best of all possible worlds. for after all, if you had not been expelled from a fine castle with great kicks in the backside for love of Mademoiselle Cunégonde, if you had not been subjected to the Inquisition, if you had not traveled about America on foot, if you had not given the Baron a great blow with your sword, if you had not lost all your sheep from the good country of Eldorado, you would not be here eating candied citrons and pistachios."

"That is well said," replied Candide, "but we must cultivate our garden.”

from Candide
by Voltaire (1694 – 1778)
Easy Zucchini Casserole:
cut in chunks, stir in olive oil, sprinkle with favorite spices,
cover with foil and bake for an hour at 400.
During the last few minutes,
sprinkle with dry stuffing mix & feta crumbles

Sunday, July 7, 2024

Stand Beside Her

I'm With Her!
Vintage Postcard of Lady Liberty
with Phrygian Caps

God bless America, land that I love
Stand beside her and guide her
Through the night with the light from above

Lyrics & Music by Irving Berlin (1888 - 1989)
Sung by Kate Smith (1907 - 1986)
Delayed acceptance: Berlin wrote "God Bless America" during World War I but set it aside, thinking it wasn't quite right for the times. It didn't gain popularity until World War II, when it came into its own as Kate Smith's signature tune.

1920s Cancel Culture: Initially, the song was considered too sappy by the woke left; and it was spurned by the alt-right for being composed by a Jewish immigrant. Thankfully, both Berlin and his "unofficial national anthem of the United States" continue to stand the test of time.
I'm With Her!

Thursday, July 4, 2024

Mick Swengrosh Photography

Thanks to Mick for sharing his photos
and allowing me to share
in observation of Indpendence Day!

Happy Flags!
Amber Waves of Grain!
Who Needs Fireworks!

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Home Made Ice Cream

My siblings all had something fun to say
when we were sorting out the old family cookbooks
and came across this instruction guide /
recipe booklet for our beloved ice cream maker!

For a good solid decade or more (1965 - 1975) we made a freezer of ice cream for every special summer event: Father's Day, Fourth of July, Dad's Birthday,the Company Picnics, Labor Day. Even when we lived way out in the country, Dad would drive all the way into St. Charles for the giant ice chunk, and Mom would cook the milk and eggs on the stove top, and Aaron would sit on top of the bucket -- which was sitting inside the pink baby bath tub -- while we all took turns cranking! A good memory!
Aaron: A great memory! And Dad would stop at A & W and bring home a gallon of root beer.

Bruce: Not sure of the age, but this is the same brand as our old green ice cream freezer -- White Mountain. Who knew it would someday be an "antique" and worth more than a brand new electric ice cream freezer.

You sit on top, I'll crank! Okay, now switch!
Dave: Do any of you have "muscle memory" of just how hard those last few turns were? I sure do!

Aaron: I'm not sure if they're still selling them, but a few years ago you could still buy a new, hand crank White Mountain ice cream maker from Orsheln's for about $90.

And yes, I do remember how hard it was to crank at the end!
Diane: "Muscle memory" of the ice - cream maker -- Yes! I love that description of it -- the whole experience! All the summery flavors: almond, peach, strawberry, banana, and delicious classic vanilla.

Peg: The instructions are missing the part about having a child sit on the top with some rag-rugs under their butts!