Want to see something incredibly fun and inspiring? Click here: ST. PETER'S SCHOOL - A CELEBRATION (2000 - 2005) and take a look at this fabulous video created during the years that Ben and Sam were at St. Peter's School, Philadelphia.
Move the cursor to the 5min 30sec mark for a quick view of Ben playing the piano (also 2min 21sec mark in the line dance & 2min 33sec wearing a frock coat in the Dickens Play). At 2min 38sec, you can see Gerry volunteering to stand on Ben's toothpick bridge, which DID NOT FAIL! YAY! Sam is visible at 1min 56sec, playing the recorder; and Morris dancing at 5min 02sec.
One of the boys' favorite teachers was Sarah Ahmadi, whom Ben had for 4th grade in 1999 - 2000; and Sam in 2002 - 2003. Sam's 4th grade Lima Bean Sprouting Experiment was so successful that he brought the seedling home for replanting, trained it to grow against the wall on a trellis, and a few months later actually reaped a small harvest. Although by this time, Sam had moved on to 5th grade, Ms Ahmadi stopped by one day after school to admire his plant, sample the beans and pose for the above photo on our tiny back yard.
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