June 2014
at the Painting Women Exhibit
Bellagio Gallery of Fine Art
~ Las Vegas ~
These two Paxton paintings seemed perfect for
this month's book blog: "A Girl and Her Book"

"Do any human beings ever realize life while they live it? -- every, every minute?"
Question asked by Emily, in OUR TOWN
"to find a value above all price for the smallest events in our daily life" ~Thornton Wilder
"This morning a bird woke me up.In the end, I told my West Coast Pal that Zen might speak to some, not all. Of course, to live a creative life, set apart somehow, I've always surrounded myself with people who crave that.
It was a lark, or a peacock,
Or something like that.
Some strange sort of bird that I'd never heard.
And I said 'hello.'
And it vanished: flew away.
The very minute that I said 'hello.'
It was quite mysterious
So do you know what I did?
I went to my mirror and brushed my hair two hundred times
Without stopping.
And as I was brushing it, my hair turned gold!
No, honestly! Gold!
And then red.
And then some sort of a deep blue when the sun hit it.
I'm sixteen years old,
And every day something happens to me.
I don't know what to make of it.
When I get up in the morning and get dressed,
I can tell:
Something's different.
I like to touch my eyelids
Because they're never quite the same.
Oh! Oh! Oh!
I hug myself till my arms turn blue,
Then I close my eyes and cry and cry
Till the tears come down
And I can taste them. Ah!
I love to taste my tears!
I am special!
I am special!
Please, God, please --
Don't let me be normal!" [emphasis added]
Lyrics by Tom Jones
Music by Harvey Schmidt
See more @ You're Out Walking, Scarred But Standing,
Scars: Without a Hurt the Heart is Hollow
“On any person who desires such queer prizes, New York will bestow the gift of loneliness and the gift of privacy. It is this largess that accounts for the presence within the city’s walls of a considerable section of the population; for the residents of Manhattan are to a large extent strangers who have pulled up stakes somewhere and come to town, seeking sanctuary or fulfillment or some greater or lesser grail. The capacity to make such dubious gifts is a mysterious quality of New York. It can destroy an individual, or it can fulfill him, depending a good deal on luck. No one should come to New York to live unless he is willing to be lucky.”
“By comparison with other less hectic days, the city is uncomfortable and inconvenient; but New Yorkers temperamentally do not crave comfort and convenience- if they did they would live elsewhere. . . ."
"But the city makes up for its hazards and its deficiencies by supplying its citizens with massive doses of a supplementary vitamin-the sense of belonging to something unique, cosmopolitan, mighty and unparalleled. . . .”
Live Without Thought of Dying
We work so hard to fly
and no matter what heights we reach
our wings get folded near a candle,
at the end,
for nothing can enter God but Himself.
Our souls are some glorious substance of the divine
that no sentry wants to stop.
Live without thought of dying,
for dying is not a truth.
We have swayed on the sky's limb together,
many years there the same leaves grow.
But then they get that look in their eyes
and bid farewell to what they disdained or cherished.
This life He gave the shell, the daily struggles we know,
sit quiet for a minute, dear, feel the wind,
let Light touch you.
Live without thought of dying,
for dying is not a truth.
~ St. Catherine of Siena, 1347 - 1380