Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Imbolc Angel

Painting ~ uncredited Victoriana

" . . . a little touch of Eternity . . .
a mixing of this world and the next . . . "
~ Evelyn Underhill ~

On February 1 / 2, we move from Yule to Imbolc [aka Candlemas; Groundhog Day] the Cross - Quarter Day that falls half-way between the Winter Solstice and the Vernal Equinox, a time of clear vision into other worlds and festivals of purification.

Yes, we could use some visions right about now!

"The word of the Goddess was rare in those days;
visions were not widespread

I Samuel 3:1
[slightly modified]*

*I just have to jump in and edit sometimes,
especially when I come across a question such as this:

"Has it occurred to you that I may never
want to refer to God by the feminine pronoun?
~ Sarah Condon, in Churchy, 106 ~

Uh, has it occurred to you that I may never
want to refer to God by the masculine pronoun?
We've already suffered through centuries of exclusion.
One way or another, if I can, I'm going to fix it.

On the other hand,
this one
worked fo me.

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