Saturday, February 1, 2025

Wintry Synchronicity

Wintry Sticker Page
The Antiquarian Sticker Book: Imaginarium
~ Thank You Katie! ~
[See more]

New month; old month. Yesterday, it was still January, which can be a tough month even under the best of circumstances. Today brings the positive energy of Imbolc; and tomorrow, good old Groundhog Day. It's time to welcome a weekend of poetic prompts and seasonal synchronicity!

This morning: my email included February's Ink & Pixel from my friend, artist and poet Jan Donley. Jan recommends reading Kerry Hardie's poem Acceptance, which begins:

"Yesterday it was still January and I drove home . . . "

Inspired by Hardie's perception, Jan worked out her own poem about the calm persistence of January and the need for acceptance. [See more and subscribe.]

I loved the idea that we should all write a poem beginning with the same line, such as "Last night it was still January."

Perhaps out of laziness, I opted for the simplicity of a 3 - line haiku:

Last night it was still.
January breathed farewell.
Now, February.

This afternoon: I received an exuberant message from my friend Beata, suggesting that we all write a poem to welcome the new month. Even Beata's prompt sounds poetic:

Hey dear friends! It’s February.
Any poem for February, my dear poets and authors?
Here's mine:

Farewell to January

I’m sitting here waiting for
the right time.
It is a farewell to January
Grime. Outside my window
February is coming
And it will bring me
Rhyme to my humming.
Wait, oh southern wind
and dark days of rain.
Time will be coming
Again and again
There right is always there.

~ Beata Ribeiro ~

Goodbye January!
Hello February! ~ Haha!

Another "Still January"
poetic response:

Last week was still January
It was a long year.
Now it is February
Much longer I fear.

~ Peggy Morris ~

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