Saturday, April 28, 2018

So Many More Geese Girls

by Walter Crane ~ A Goose Girl

by Mercer Mayer ~ hard to find

by Jessie Wilcox Smith ~ Goose Girl

For more paintings & poetry
on this magical theme
see my recent post

"Geese Girls"
@ The Fortnightly Kitti Carriker

Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Mystic Ouabache

~ Belated Happy Earth (& Water) Day ~
Greetings From the Banks of the Mythic Wabash!
Local Mural by Craig Martin

Fun Fact From
Indiana Department of Natural Resources

Wabash is the English spelling of Ouabache
the French name for the river.
French traders named it after the Miami Indian name,
Waapaahsiiki, meaning “it shines white.”


Several times per week, Gerry and I enjoy breakfast / lunch / dinner at Town & Gown Bistro (situated on North River Road, adjacent to Craig Martin's mural), and we always prefer a view of the mural to any other, drinking our coffee while mesmerized by the deep tones and swirling textures of the Mythic Wabash Man (aka "Celery Bog Man"), rising mysteriously from beneath the mighty river.

We feel so lucky to live just a few blocks not only from the Mighty Wabash, but also from such great public art and such a fine restaurant. Many thanks to artist Craig and Bistro owners Matt & Regen for sharing their talents in the community!

Wabash ~ Ouabache ~ Waapaahsiiki

Believe It Or Not

The River Simply Manifest

So Much Water Moving

Dawn on the Wabash

Come Back to the Present!

Back When We Had More Trees
~ Happy Arbor Day! ~
Wabash from the Driveway April 8, 2009
[file: finepix March 22, 2009]

Sunday, April 22, 2018

Smarter & Fancier

Thanks to my friend Cate for capturing
this screen print to go along with my blog!
She understands my mission and knows what I'm about!

It's true -- you really can get smarter
(and fancier!)
from reading my blog posts --
every few days, fortnightly, monthly!

If you don't believe me, how about these testimonials
from some of my highly intelligent readers:

Back in my second year of blogging, my sweet little darling niece
Anna sent this inspiring reponse:

Hi Aunt Kit! I was getting ready to go to sleep, when I stopped by your facebook page and clicked on the link to your blog to check out your newest entry -- and of course ended up reading the past three months worth. I love your style of writing. It's so calming, relaxing, intelligent, and home-y. Sort of like a really great bedtime story. Speaking of which, I really should be heading that way. Thanks for writing!
Love you, xoxo♥

September 8, 2010 at 11:34pm

And from my lovely cousin Maggie:

Kitti Cuz, I got lost in your blog this Sat morning. It is SO amazing, so much to take in! You are so entertaining and wise!!!!
I love you, cuz!

August 13, 2011

More recently, my loyal reader and oft - quoted friend
Burnetta wrote on my behalf:

My friend Kitti has kept a blog going for a long time now. They always touch something deep within me. I hope that you will take time to read this one. I can feel memory creeping up on me at odd times, in the line of a grocery store, driving by a landmark, the smell of an autumn fire. Memories are still a real part of my life and make it richer. As my memory stumbles at times for 'facts', my tactile and sensory memories seem stronger. Memories remind us of who we are at the core.
Downfall or Saving Grace?

Literary commentary means so much,
coming from our creative family friend

R: I just wanted to say how much I love your blog especially the poetry. I just shared your late friend Celine's poem "Spring." Truly meaningful writing. I just followed you on the blog list. Please don't ever stop sending these out.

K: Thanks Renee! You just made my day! Cyberspace really is FULL OF DEAR FRIENDS! (Not just a black hole as I sometimes fear.) All is well here.

R: I am happy to know that but I really mean it. You have put me back in touch with poetry and Emily Bronte.

K: I know you do; I never doubted. Thanks for being a true friend, over the years and over the miles.

R: I have realized as I get older, that real friends (people you have shared large segments of your life with) are always friends. No matter how little you see them. I try to only have friends on FB. You know what I mean -- not just FB friends. Emily Bronte, I am coming back to you.❤

R: I appreciate yr discussion of Virginia W. She is a woman who should never pass into oblivion. I enjoy yr blog immensely. Thank you.

And from one of the keenest intellectuals
I've had the joy to meet through blogging,
Brigit always has some encouraging words:

B: You're a cultural force of nature!
K: Thanks Brigit -- just one of the many services I offer!
B: Keep the great content coming!

April 21, 2015

B: For anyone who who enjoys poetry, wisdom, culture and just general loveliness, you can't do better than my friend Kitti Carriker's blog. She's a scholar, teacher, traveler and general student of life.

K: Brigit, thanks so much for your kind words. Your praise was so high that I felt I might have actually been a little lazy this time, so I gave the post some fine tuning to make sure it lived up to your compliments. Thanks for inspiring me to keep at it!

B: Kitti Carriker is a ninja. This blog is really a public service and should be read far and wide.

Bright Blue October ~ Oct 19 2017

B: You always have the best pictures, poems and commentary -- long live Kitti Carriker!
Winter Solstice 2017

B: Your posts shine a clear light in all this darkness. Thank you and keep up the good work.

Thanks everybody -- for all the kind words!

Anthony W
Shout out to Kitti Carriker, a great valuer of poetry
January 10, 2018

Barbara S
You have the heart of a poet and the eye of an artist💙
Panera Still Life

Gabrielle S
Oh so beautiful! Thank you Kitti! Your blog is wonderful.
This post made my morning.
Every comment and everything about this post is AWESOME!

September 8, 2009

Kitti honestly without you in my life there would be no poetry.
January 2011 / 2018

Nancy S
You have an incredible way of linking history to your personal life!
I love your links!

Norman Rockwell's Birthday

Tim T
Thanks, Kitti for your unending eloquent endeavor;
it is a reading pleasure I enjoy!

October 26, 2014


Barbara T
This is amazing. I learn so much from you
and marvel at the beauty of the paintings, photographs,
memorabilia and WORDS that you share. Thank you.

May 2018

Charlotte V
I'm somewhat in awe of how you chronicle your life.
I honestly just have a shitty memory for details.
It's occasionally problematic . . .

May 9, 2012 / 2018

or Hey, has anybody seen my Self - Confidence?

Back when I started this blog, a little voice of Anxiety / Imposter Syndrome made fun of my title, reading over my shoulder and sneering: "Quotidian?" As if I were a self-important academic showoff. Sticking up for myself, I said, "Don't laugh at my diction!" Imposter Response: "I will laugh." I'm over that, right? The real question is why such criticisms go straight to the heart of my self - esteem, but they do.

Outwardly, I stood by my word choice, deeming it rather elegant and straightforward -- smarter and fancier, shall we say! Yet, inwardly, there is always the second-guessing. I felt so mortified, like all of a sudden -- oh my gosh do I look pretentious and stupid and pathetic in the eyes of the world and all (if there are any) of my readers? I had to keep assuring myself that it was okay; that I was not an idiot; that "quotidian" is a perfectly good word that has been in both my written and spoken vocabulary for lo these many years.
More on:
The Story Only You Can Tell

Thursday, April 19, 2018

Coffee With Flaubert


How insightful of Flaubert to predict the 21st Century internet
in his assessment of the 19th Century trains:

"Gustave [Flaubert, 1821 – 1880] belonged to the first railway generation in France; and he hated the invention. . . . he hated the way it flattered people with the illusion of progress. What was the point of scientific advance without moral advance? The railway would merely permit more people to move about, meet and be stupid together" (108, emphasis added).

from Flaubert's Parrot by Julian Barnes

For more Coincidence & Connection
See my Fortnightly Post
~ "Trees, Trains, and Idiots" ~

For more on this blog from Flaubert's Parrot

The Sadness of Hydrangeas

Colored Panes: Flaubert & Pearce

Primrose Path

And on my book blog ~ Flaubert & Barnes

Monday, April 16, 2018

Recent Reads

"gathering up bits of the world
& setting them out in an order
that her children can understand"

StoryPeople by Brian Andreas

Even though my kids are grown now, this is what I continue to strive for day after day on my blogs -- "gathering up bits of the world & setting them out in an order" -- if not for children, for adults, and for myself to understand.

Quotidian: "realize life while [you] live it -- every, every minute."

Fortnightly: "hear a little song, read a good poem, see a fine picture and, if possible, speak a few reasonable words." ~Goethe

Book List: "put [your] faith in books . . . "

On all three blog sites, as I've said before, my goal is to draw connections between daily life and literature of all genres (my favorite novels, haiku, sonnets, song lyrics, contemporary poetry, and so forth), always looking for the intersection of the quotidian and the artistic, complete with visuals, intertwining the two threads until a pattern emerges from the chaos.

New Posts @ Kitti's Book List

March 31 ~ Makin' a list, checkin’ it twice . . .

The Truth According to Us
by Annie Barrows


The Goldfinch
by Donna Tartt

April 6 ~ Always Skeptical Never Cynical

Non - fiction:
Evicted: Poverty and Profit in the American City
by Matthew Desmond (2017)


Teaching in the Terrordome:
Two Years in West Baltimore with Teach for America

by Heather Kirn Lanier (2012)

Friday, April 13, 2018

Bones, Trees, Houses

Cartoon by Michael Lipsey

A few weeks ago, when writing about the Guayacan Tree (and shortly thereafter on the Vernal Equinox) there was one quotation that kept eluding me, something I read somewhere about trees and houses made of bones. After an hour of fruitless searching for the lost thought, I gave up locating the passage and posted the essay without it, even though it would have made such a perfect connection. I lamented the failed memory recall, filing away the almost but not quite remembered line under "maybe one day I'll relocate it."
Today was the day!

I guess I know what I'm going to discuss tomorrow for my

Fortnightly Connection & Coincidence!

Stay tuned for

"Trees, Trains, and Idiots"!

Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Imposter Syndrome

Cartoon by Michael Lipsey

Facebook post

I was intrigued when my nephew Jerrod posted the definition of imposter syndrome: "the inability to internalize your accomplishments; the persistent fear of being exposed as a 'fraud.'"

Jerrod concluded: "I'm sure I have this; I've always said I've lucked into everything in my life."

And I had to concur: "Interesting and worrisome concept. A little voice inside my head likes to tell me that anything I've ever done (being a teacher, a writer, a parent, a daughter, etc.) has been substandard. Why is that? Now I know!"

Wikipedia says that the term was coined in 1978 by clinical psychologists, but I'm thinking back to 1977, when Marilyn French wrote The Women's Room and I felt in my gut the terrible truth of Kyla's oral exam:
" 'I really failed. . . . That's the truth. . . . They said I passed. . . . But I really failed. . . . They demoralized me, they had that kind of power, I gave them that kind of power. . . . I can't feel legitimate . . . ' " (563 - 564).
Sure sounds like "imposter syndrome" to me! I suppose it has been around forever and that we all (well, maybe not all?) suffer the side effects from time to time. Time to upgrade that self - image! But how?


Here's one helpful tip.
Should you ever start to feel this way, don't!
Please remember: untrue!
That's just the anxiety talking.

Instead, remember this message that
my nephew Hans sent awhile back
These are the true words!
I keep them in my saved file
and re-read whenever necessary:


Thanks again to Michael Lipsey, Jerrod Rosenbluth,
and Hans Carriker for sharing these insights!

More here.


The Anxiety Lying to Me?
or Hey, has anybody seen my Self - Confidence?

I often brood about the perceived valuelessness of my role -- berating myself for not generating revenue, for lacking ambition, for giving up the struggle to do both the career and the kids. Yes, I was so lucky to be at home with my flexible schedule and my piano, my books, and my e-mail, my grocery store just around the corner and my kids across the street in their little brick school house. My family can live without my practicing my profession, and so can I, though at times I do feel rather useless and non-contributory, and non-revenue-generating. Still, it's hard not to love such a great life.

Even so, I sometimes fear that being respected around here is indeed tied to working for money. These days, working for love doesn't really count (if it ever did) as anything more than some kind of peculiar self - indulgent hobby. Of course, that may be just a distorted misreading on my part: you know, the ache of modernism, the quandary of the new millennium, the price of feminism, not to mention a surefire way of punishing myself in my head for never working hard enough, never being good enough. After all, the theme of my fundamentalist protestant upbringing was: "You should be ashamed of yourself, young lady." So is it any surprise that I am, even now at age 60? Pathetic, I know, but true.

Saturday, April 7, 2018

They're not laughing now; no, wait, yes they are!

Thanks to Gene Ziegler
for posting one of Gerry's old favorites!

And reappearing for the Easter season
is the favorite Christmas Joke
of born comedian, Gerry McCartney:
"Dad being silly, also threat of decapitation."
New Year's Eve ~ Raleigh, North Carolina

Thanks to Ben for filming, and Cathleen for laughing! In case you miss it, starting right around the 2:25 mark, Gerry says: "I'm going to open a cheese shop in the Holy Land. I'm gonna call it Cheeses of Nazareth" (and I make a brief appearance at 3:30)

This was NOT
a church service,
even though it was held in a church
-- it was just regular old stand - up comedy,
sponsored by the community as a New Year's Eve event.

On a more serious note, you can watch:
Gerry's Global Session Video
at the Cisco Global Sales Conference
in the MGM Grand Garden Arena
Las Vegas ~ August 2018

Wednesday, April 4, 2018

On This Day

On this day 90 years ago
Maya Angelou was born
April 4, 1928 - May 28, 2014 (age 86)
Google Doodle

"Are we not the same citizens who struggled, marched, and
went to jail to obliterate legalized racism from our country?
Didn't we dream of a country where freedom was in
the national conscience and dignity was the goal?"

On this day 50 years ago
Martin Luther King, Jr. was assassinated
January 15, 1929 – April 4, 1968 (age 39)
Google Doodle

"No. No, we are not satisfied and
we will not be satisfied until
'justice rolls down like water and
righteousness like a mighty stream.' "


Additional Martin Luther King, Jr. Posts

Lingering Autumn
Think Globally Act Locally
I Only Have Hearts For You
Dark Days
Do Not Worry, Do Not Hurry, Just Eat Curry!
Teach Your Children Well
Love & Justice, Both Blind
A Song for Martin Luther King Day
Light, Love, and Community on MLK Day
Martin Luther King, Jr. Day

Winter Reading
Do Not Worry, Do Not Hurry, Just Eat Curry!


Previous Maya Angelou Posts

A Noble Country

Heart of Hearts
Handed My Own Life
Dagmar's Birthday
Lost and Found

More on Facebook